Business loans
There are a plethora of lenders in the Alternative Finance Market who provide fast business loans, typically secured against a Director’s Personal Guarantee only.
One of the major lenders we have access to in this space is Funding Circle. We can apply for a loan on your behalf and you’ll get a final decision within 48 hours. You can then have the funds in your account in as little as 5 working days subject of course to the loan being approved. Furthermore we get preferential terms from Funding Circle and we do all of the work!
• Borrow from as little as £10,000 to £350,000
• Term from 6-months to 5-years with no penalty for early repayment
• Fixed interest rates typically from 4.9%
• Loans secured by a Personal Guarantee only
• Loans for almost any business purpose including paying tax liabilities
Lending Criteria
• Minimum of 2 years trading.
• UK companies only
• No significant adverse event against the shareholding directors or the business within the last 6 years
• Light touch information required
If you do not fit the criteria for a Funding Circle loan, then worry not as we have access to other lenders in this market place and also secured lenders. We can also arrange an advance against future card sales if you are a business that has turnover >£5k per month on card sales.